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Aromatherapy at Home

Aromatherapy has been used by humans for thousands of years. Ancient cultures in China, India, Egypt, and other regions used aromatic plant components in resins, balms, and oils for medical and religious purposes. These natural substances were known to have both physical and psychological benefits. Although the Persians are credited with essential oil distillation in the 10th century, evidence suggests that the practice may have been used earlier. Information about essential oil distillation was published in Germany in the 16th century. In the 19th century, French physicians recognized the potential of essential oils in treating diseases. Aromatherapy works through the sense of smell and skin absorption, using products such as oils, balms, and resins.

Below are some self-care products for relaxation:


Aromatic sprays


Bath salts

Body oil



Facial steamers

Hot and cold compresses

Clay masks

One of the most common ways to use essential oils is by inhaling them to enjoy their incredible scent and therapeutic properties. They can also be used in diffusers and humidifiers, diluted with carrier oils, and applied to the skin.


The easiest way to inhale essential oils is to open a bottle of pure oil and take a few deep breaths. However, avoid allowing the undiluted oil to touch your skin.


Always consult with your doctor before beginning any aromatherapy treatment. Keep in mind that aromatherapy is intended to be a complementary therapy, and it should not replace any doctor-approved treatment plan.

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Awake your emotions with scents

Awake your emotions with scents

In Feng Shui, scents and aromatherapy are utilized to promote balance, harmony, and trigger specific emotional responses. These scents can be diffused into the indoor environment through various methods, such as essential oils, candles, incense, room sprays, and aromatherapy machines. According to Freud, scent is the quickest way to evoke an emotional response, and fragrance and scents in Feng Shui are one simple way to awaken and direct these emotions.


In Feng Shui, aromas and scents also have a powerful impact on the flow of chi, or energy, in your home or office. Positive scents elevate the chi and can relate directly to specific emotions. For instance, the scent of lavender can help you relax, the scent of jasmine can put you in a romantic mood, the scent of juniper can purify you, the scent of clary sage can make you feel secure, and the scent of grapefruit can stimulate your memory. These items are available in various options of the highest quality to suit your needs. If you have a requirement, there is probably an oil for it. Not surprisingly, these oils' powerful, purifying, and positive energy can help with Feng Shui in any space. They are a must-have in our Feng Shui toolbox.


Our sense of smell is crucial in how essential oils affect us. When we inhale the scent of an essential oil, it travels through the olfactory bulb and directly to the limbic system in our brain. This limbic system is responsible for processing our emotions and memories. Upon receiving the aroma, it releases neurochemicals that can have a relaxing, stimulating, or sedative effect, depending on the type of essential oil used. As a result, essential oils can be incredibly powerful personal growth and self-care tools.

essential oil olfactory system
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