How to use aromatherapy essential oils
Use the oils in various ways; each has its advantages. Comes in a variety of options to suit your needs.
Mist Into the Air
Misting the air in an area is a quick and straightforward solution. The scent won't last very long, but you can add the essential oil (a few drops) to a water-filled spray bottle and mist away. Add more oil if the scent is too faint. Add a few drops of essential oil to your bath to immerse yourself in a mist of scent and disperse the fragrance in the bathroom.

Dab on a Decorative Item
Dabbing is another option, but avoid staining something irreplaceable with the oils. "Anoint" is a smooth stone, an altar statue, or a crystal by dabbing on oil with your finger. Pat a drop or two of oil on a silk cloth to drape over a lampshade. The cloth should never touch the bulb, but it will release some fragrance when the lamp is turned on. A dabbed fragrance will be very light without heat to release the scent or a medium to diffuse the oil into the air. This is not as effective as a diffuser.
Wear It
Apply a therapeutic grade, pure essential oil to your wrists like perfume. Combine the oil with a mild carrier, like apricot kernel or sweet almond oil, before applying it to your body. (Try about 3 drops of oil per teaspoon of carrier.) Your skin will absorb the oil, so you should test a tiny bit on your forearm for any reaction or sensitivity before you dab it on your wrists, temple, or throat. Don't put pure essential oils on your skin, or you could cause a reaction.​