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Writer's pictureRoslinda Schwencke

Aromatherapy Essential Oils List 2

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

Here are more than 90 essential oils, each with its unique smell and potential health benefits. Offers pure pleasure with benefits.

Aroma means scent, and therapy means treatment. Aromatherapy uses the fragrant parts of aromatic plants to improve your health and general well-being. Aromatherapy offers pure enjoyment with many other benefits, too. Inhaling the appropriate fragrance can reduce stress, lift depression, hasten a good sleep, soothe your soul, or give you more energy. Aromatherapy is already helping office workers stay alert while doing repetitive mental tasks. And hospitals are experimenting with using aromatherapy to help patients relax so that other healing modalities can do their job. Massaging aromatic oils into your skin is another way to benefit from aromatherapy, as essential oils, the compounds responsible for a fragrance, offer many healing benefits in addition to their scents. It is so easy to use that it is a natural prescription to bathe with scented oils and aromatic massage. The basics of profiles of essential oils that can be used therapeutically and common conditions that can be treated using aromatherapy.

Ayurvedic philosophy uniquely treats every individual, even for the same disease, as it trusts that every human being is unique in this world, just like our fingerprints. The unique individual constitution of a person helps differentiate his physical, mental, and spiritual setup. Each oil has a unique scent and consultant that can treat many conditions. The profiles indicate each therapeutic and cosmetic use, scent, and principal constituents, with some intriguing myths and folklore associated with the oils.

Lavender Essential Oil

Botanical Name Lavandula angustif lia / Lavandula officinalis

Botanical Family Lamiaceae

Note Top/Middle - Medium

Aroma Floral fresh, sweet, herbaceous, slightly fruity and camphorous.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Leaves and Flowers/Buds

Shelf Life 3years+

An important component of aromatherapy, lavender oil comes with many incredible properties. This essential oil's fresh, floral aroma can calm restless minds and help one relax. Across many cultures, lavender oil has been profuse as a mood changer to relieve tension and soothe the nerves. Lavender oil is highly versatile. It is touted as one of the best natural remedies to treat insomnia with good effects. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antidepressant, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is the most suitable oil for aromatherapy and works wonders to treat acne, sores, and joint pain. It also remedies depression, migraine headaches, toothaches, sprains, and nerve pain. Adding a few drops of oil to bath water boosts blood circulation and improves mental well-being.

Lavender spike Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Lavandula latifolia

Family: Lamiaceae

Note Top/Middle - Medium

Aroma Floral, fresh, sweet and herbaceous

Extraction Method: Steam Distillation

Plant Part: Buds/Flowering Tops

Shelf Life 3years+

The essential oil features many oxides, which produce antiviral, decongestant and mucolytic properties, immune-stimulating, and overall stimulant characteristics. It has slightly lower antifungal and antibacterial properties. Rather than the soft floral aroma of traditional lavender, Spike Lavender is more camphoraceous and floral. The stronger camphor content enables spike lavender to help clear congestion, relieve coughs and promote easier breathing. It may ease symptoms associated with asthma, bronchitis and throat infections. Because of its high concentration of linalool, spike lavender lessens stress and reduces headaches and other minor pains like abdominal cramps. spike lavender enhances calm, focus and mental alertness, which helps ward off depression.

Lemon Essential Oil

Botanical Name Citrus limon

Botanical Family Rutaceae

Note Top Strong

Aroma Concentrated fresh lemon rinds

Extraction Method old Pressed/Expressed. Steam Distillation

lant Part Citrus Rnight'senergizingnd (Peel)

Shelf Life 3years+

Lemon Essential Oil has a powerfully fresh traditional lemon fragrance that is soothing and energy uplifting. The lemon essential oil has been used since ancient times to treat infectious diseases by Romans and Egyptians, has many health and beauty benefits and treats many issues like dandruff, skin disorders, obesity and insomnia. Lemon essential oil is a type of essential oil commonly used in aromatherapy. Sourced from the peel of the Citrus lemon plant, the lemon essential oil offers several health benefits.

The uses of lemon essential oil include easing stress, elevating mood, stimulating the immune system, alleviating pain, and promoting weight loss. In addition, lemon essential oil might address conditions such as acne, athlete's foot, and warts. Although research on the health effects of the aromatherapeutic use of lemon essential oil is limited, there's some evidence that lemon essential oil may offer certain benefits.

Lemon Verbena Essential Oil

Botanical Name Aloysia citriodora / Lippia citriodora

Botanical Family Verbenaceae

Note Top & Strong

Aroma Sweet and lemony with subtle herbaceous characteristics.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Leaves

Shelf Life 3years

Lemon verbena is a plant with impressive potential health benefits. Some research suggests that it may help reduce oxidative stress, protect against muscle damage, improve sleep quality, and have anti-obesity effects.'Le on verbena contains several plant compounds, including verbascoside, that may protect your body against cell damage.Oinflammation'slThanks to its rich concentration in antioxidants and volatile oils, including citral, geraniol, cineol, limonene, nerol, and linalool, this oil can have an impressive range of effects on the body, lower anxiety levels, suppress fever and soothe feelings of depression.

Lemongrass Essential Oil

Botanical Name West Indian: Cymbopogon citratus East Indian: Cymbopogon flexuosus

Botanical Family Poaceae

Note Top & strong

Aroma fresh, lemony and slightly herbaceous.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Grass

Shelf Life 3years+

Research proves that lemongrass oil has several beneficial properties, including antioxidant, antifungal, astringent, and anti-inflammatory abilities." Lemon grass also has a very mild sedative effect, which can help treat insomnia and restlessness. With its anti-inflammatory properties, lemongrass oil can also help reduce muscle soreness and massage stiff joints. Inhalistabilizer g its scent has been shown to treat insomnia and anxiety. It can also relieve headaches. In some cases, It is also used in aromatherapy to treat depression. One of the effects of lemongrass is its ability to relieve pain and stress, making it of great value in aromatherapy.

Lilac Flower Essential Oil

Botanical Name Syringa vulgaris

Botanical Family Oleaceae

Note Middle Note

Aroma Refreshing floral scent

Extraction Method Steam Distillation of the leaves.

Plant Part Flowers, leaves, and fruits

Shelf Life 3years+

The plant is native to the Middle East and Eastern Europe, particularly the Balkan region. Its documented use in medicinal practices only stretches back a few hundred years but has likely been used by indigenous people for far longer. Lilacs are some of the most popular flower varieties in the world, resulting in the wide availability of this essential oil. The most common are cleansing applications, cosmetic uses, aromatherapy, and a powerful anti-parasitic substance. Lilac essential oil is also commonly added to cosmetic lotions such as handmade soap, shampoo, and perfume. It smells wonderful and works wonders on your skin and hair. Lilac oil will strengthen your hair at the roots, but the number of ways it protects your skin is more impressive. Uses lilac essential oil in a diffuser for mood peace, help with meditating, and practises tai chi or yoga. A few sniffs of this essential oil work wonders for your limbic system, which is responsible for creating new memories, promoting calm feelings and reducing the levels of stress hormones in your body.

Lily Flower Essential Oil

Botanical Name Lilium auratum

Botanical Family

Note Middle Note

Aroma a rich, floral, and slightly warm scent

Extraction Method Extraction with Solvents

Plant Part Stems, Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

The bloom flowers spread a strong and sweet fragrance. Mountain Lily Flower Oil is in great demand worldwide due to its wide range of skincare benefits and cosmetic uses. It is also popular in the perfume industry to its peculiar floral aroma that is loved by young and old alike. Its fragrance is considered to be one of the signs of purity and affluence in many cultures. It rejuvenates and nourishes the skin and may help manage minor pain and inflammation and reduce unwanted bacterial activity. The oil is highly revered for its deeply-rooted place in spiritual exploration, particularly renowned for its power to elicit lucid dreaming and dream recall. The fragrance of its blossom has an exhilarating smell that tends to lift one's spirit. The comforting fragrance of lily oil can support your mental strength and improve the brain's cognitive functions.

Linden (Lime) Blossom Essential Oil

Botanical Name Tilia Vulgaris

Botanical Family Rutaceae

Note Middle note Medium to Strong

Aroma A warm, floral, honey-like and slightly citrus-like

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Flowers Blossom

Shelf Life 3years+

The scent of the essential oil of Linden Blossom (also called Lime Blossom) is delicate and Spring-like. Possess anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties; Linden blossom oil also aids in reducing pains and healing wounds. With its calming properties, linden blossom absolute oil also makes an effective stress buster to reduce anxiety and hypertension. The refreshing and divine fragrance of linden blossom absolute oil is ideal to be the sole reason for use in aromatherapy to relax the body and mind for a healing and calming effect. Massaging this absolute oil over the head help to relieve headaches and migraines. Linden blossom absolute oil is also excellent for rejuvenating facial and body skin to provide a radiant and youthful look. It’s the sole reason linden blossom oil is often a vital ingredient in facial creams and lotions. The herbal properties of linden blossom absolute oil make it an excellent expectorant to provide quick and effective relief from colds, coughs and flu.

Blue Lotus Essential Oil was also known as the "The Sacred Scent of Cleopatra" and was worn behind her ears.

Pink Lotus Essential Oil, also known as the 'flower of life,' is India's national flower and symbolises Buddha's essence.

White Lotus Essential Oil is commonly known as Tiger Lotus, Sacred Lotus. The most popular colours signify beauty, grace, purity of mind, wealth, knowledge, fertility, and faith. Their worldwide popularity and relevance have gained them the “Womb of the World.” 

Botanical Name Nelumbo nucifera

Botanical Family Nympaeaceae of kingdom Plantae.

Note Middle Note

Aroma Characteristic of exotic floral, slightly herbaceous odour

Extraction Method Solvent Extraction

Plant Part Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

Lotus Essential Oil is extracted from the lotus's petals, also known as a Water Lily. This flower is known for its mesmerizing beauty and is widely used in sacred ceremonies worldwide. The oil extracted from Lotus can be used due to its medicinal properties and ability to provide instant relief from skin irritation and inflammation. Lotus Flower Oil is rich in vitamin B and C, proteins, and minerals such as iron and phosphorous that keeps skin healthy. Its cooling properties improve skin texture upon using it. The oil is known to reverse skin ageing and enhance skin elasticity. Blue Lotus flower essential oil is also popular as an aphrodisiac. Lotus essential oil is also used in personal care products such as massage oils, bath soaps, body lotions, and aromatherapy. It is rich in fragrance which provides a feeling of peacefulness. It has got a floral and earthy fragrance. The fragrance inspires the body to breathe more deeply. Ancient Romans used lotus essential oil to treat respiratory problems such as asthma. The relaxation effects of lotus essential oil increase the feeling of tranquillity.

Mandarin Essential Oil

Botanical Name Citrus reticulata

Botanical Family Rutaceae

Note Top Note Medium strength

Aroma Sweet and citrusy.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Citrus Rind (Peel)

Shelf Life 3years+

Mandarin Essential oil is believed to be the close cousin of tangerine that helps promote calmness and uplift mood. This sweetly pure and tangy oil helps fight stress and helps you feel content. It enhances your natural beauty and makes your skin smooth. Mandarin Essential Oil is antiseptic, digestive, captive, a sedative substance that protects wounds from septic, helps treat respiratory problems, and improves blood circulation and digestion. The oil reduces cellulite, stretch marks, swelling, water retention and scars in skin care treatments. Mandarin Essential oil is used in cosmetic products for acne and seborrheic dermatitis.

Marjoram Essential Oil

Botanical Name Origanum majorana

Botanical Family Lamiaceae

Note Middle Note Medium Strength

Aroma Herbaceous is sweet and woody and has an underlying delicate floral note.

Extraction Method

Plant Part Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil is widely used in Aromatherapy and Perfumery due to its amazing aroma. Sweet Marjoram oil can be used in making soap and scented candles. The warm and spicy scent, in massages, is ideal for healing digestive problems due to its carminative and digestive properties. Marjoram Essential Oil is quite balancing to the body and the mind. Marjoram Oil is emotional and helpful for stress, anxiety and grief. Marjoram has many soothing qualities, including easing stiff joints, muscle spasms, and headaches.

May Chang Essential Oil

Botanical Name Litsea cubeba

Botanical Family Lauraceae

Note Medium note and Strong strength of aroma

Aroma pleasant, lemony smell

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Fruits

Shelf Life 3years+

May Chang Oil is also commonly referred to by its botanical name, Litsea Cubeba Oil. Also known as ‘Mountain Pepper’ or ‘Chinese Pepper’, the plant is native to south China, Indonesia, Java, Sumatra and other Southeast Asia. This essential oil promotes sound sleep at night and reduces fatigue during the day time. Inhaled or applied topically, the oil uplifts and refreshes the mood. May Chang, essential oil, clears and uplifts. This essential oil encourages mental clarity by clearing the mind and improving concentration. Often used as an oil for sleep support. May Chang Oil has uplifting properties, and it has a strong effect on promoting mental and physical well-being. In Chinese medicine, this essential oil is useful to help alleviate symptoms associated with women's monthly cycles and support relief of muscle tension and inflammation, such as tendonitis, where heat needs to be cleared. Litsea Cubeba Essential Oil is also helpful in supporting healthy lung and airway activity, primarily relating to unwanted congestion.

Melissa Lemon balm Essential Oil

Botanical Name Melissa officinalis

Botanical Family Lamiaceae

Note Top Middle Note and Strong

Aroma Fresh, lemony and herbaceous.

Extraction Method Steam distillation

Plant Part Leaves and Flowers/Buds

Shelf Life 3years+

Popularly known as lemon balm, balm mint, and common balm, Melissa Officinalis is a herb categorized under the mint family. Melissa Essential Oil possesses antidepressant, nervine, sedative, stomachic, carminative, febrifuge, sudorific, cordial, emmenagogue, antispasmodic, antibacterial, diaphoretic, hypotensive and tonic properties. Boost your mental and spiritual health Melissa essential oil efficiently treats nervous system disorders like vertigo, convulsion, and nervousness. Due to the same reason, it is known as Nervine. Melissa's essential oil helps keep the respiratory, muscular, and digestive systems healthy. Melissa essential oil has a rich content of relaxing properties; hence, aromatherapy provides peace to mind and soul. It has an anti-inflammatory constituent that helps safeguard the body from bacterial and fungal infections.

Mimosa Flower Essential Oil

Botanical Name Acaica Mirensi

Botanical Family Mimosaceae

Note Base to Middle Note

Aroma Earthy Floral

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Flowers and Twigs

Shelf Life 3years+

The flowers of the Mimosa Plant, the Mimosa Essential Oil, are known for their magical aroma and soothing properties. With its sweet, floral and slightly woody aroma, Mimosa flower Oil is a perfumery must-have and a unanimous favourite of aromatherapists and perfumers alike. It is widely used for making scents and perfumes and is also known for its skin benefits. Mimosa floral oil has effective benefits in treating anxiety, depression and stress. Hence, it is used in aromatherapy. It is used as the strongest and sweetest perfume base. The oil is used in so many cosmetics to cure skin diseases. Mimosa also has a reputation for possessing aphrodisiac qualities.

Monarda Essential Oil

Botanical Name Monarda fistulosa

Botanical Family Lamiaceae.

Note Middle Note

Aroma A floral scent, but with hints of citrus.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

Besides being referred to as Monarda, you may also see it with the names of Wild Bergamot, Horsemint, or Beebalm. Monarda frequently goes by the name Beebalm based on the known favourite plant of bees. Monarda essential oil has a pleasant, sweet aroma with citrus and floral tones. It’s rich in geraniol, linalool, and citral, which makes it a powerhouse oil for respiratory ailments and skin concerns. With its anti-bacterial properties, Monarda essential oil is widely used in skincare products to treat acne and pimples. Monarda essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy to release depression, stress, and anxiety and induce mental peace. It has healing and rejuvenating properties, making it significant in many antiseptic medicines.

Myrrh Essential Oil

Botanical Name Commiphora myrrha

Botanical Family Burseraceae

Note Base note with medium strong

Aroma warm, earthy, woody and balsamic.

Extraction Method

Plant Part Resins

Shelf Life 3years+

Myrrh oil comes from a dried resin extracted from the Commiphora myrrha tree, which belongs to the Commiphora plant genus. Myrrh is a tree resin that has been used and valued since ancient times for its medicinal, cosmetic, aromatic and spiritual applications. Myrrh has been used since antiquity as incense in religious ceremonies. The oil can be used in aromatherapy to treat colds, depression, anxiety and insomnia. Myrrh Essential Oil is known for its powerful antibacterial properties. The warm, woodsy, and spicy aroma of this oil balances mood and promotes a sense of well-being as well It can provide exponential relief in acute pain, sprain, joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis The oil can boost the functioning of the respiratory system by using it in a diffuser, aromatic candles and room fresheners. It helps maintain healthy and glowing skin by removing acne, pimples and dark sport from the face.

Narcissus Essential Oil

Botanical Name Narcissus Poeticus L

Botanical Family Amaryllidaceae.

Note Middle Note

Aroma A narcotic, heady, green, floral scent.

Extraction Method Organic Extraction

Plant Part Flowers

Shelf Life 5years+

Narcissus flower meanings and symbolism include new beginnings, renewal, optimism, grace, inspiration, and self-love. Narcissus teaches a powerful lesson: to recognize and love the self but instead of becoming absorbed with self-love and egotism, recognize that 'self' is everywhere and in its highest vibration ', to love thyself' is universal love of all creation. Daffodil is the common name for spring-flowering bulbs in the genus Narcissus. Narcissus Essential Oil helps relieve stress, irritation, depression, annoyance, inflammations, and mental fatigue. Recommended for stress since it helps uplift your mood. The strong and rich leafy scent of mesmerizing narcissus oil with a trace of hyacinth and Jasmine imparts a soothing and stimulating effect responsible for emotional healing.

Neroli Essential Oil

Botanical Name Citrus aurantium

Botanical Family Rutaceae

Note Middle Note & Strong

Aroma Intensely floral, citrusy, sweet and exotic.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Flowers Blossoms

Shelf Life 3years+

Neroli oil is an essential oil extracted from the flowers of bitter orange trees (Citrus aurantium var. Amara), known as orange blossom oil. Neroli oil emits a rich, floral scent with citrusy overtones. It’s used as a base note in perfumes and scented products. Because of its soothing effect on mood, neroli oil is often used as an ingredient in body lotions and cosmetics. It can also be used in aromatherapy. Some evidence suggests that neroli oil benefits conditions like depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, seizures and menopausal symptoms.

Orange Essential Oil

Botanical Name Citrus sinensis

Botanical Family Rutaceae

Note Top Note Medium Strong

Aroma Citrusy and sweet.

Extraction Method Cold Pressed/Expressed

Plant Part Citrus Rind (Peel)

Shelf Life 3years+

Some popular types include blood orange, bitter orange and wild orange. wild orange essential oil might help you relieve stress. It’s also being studied to reduce dementia. Sweet orange essential oil has a milder scent than other orange essential oils. It can have a refreshing and soothing effect and is touted for supporting the immune system. The blood Orange essential oil is thought to be a mood elevator and helpful for metabolic and skin health. A lot of the blood orange benefits come from anthocyanins, the pigment that makes these fruits red. The Health benefits of orange essential oil might be attributed to its anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, carminative, diuretic, tonic, sedative, and cholagogic substance. It might serve as a detoxifier, boost immunity, treat constipation and dyspepsia, and be very good for maintaining healthy, smooth, and glamorous skin. It can also help cure acne and dermatitis.

Orchid Essential Oil

Botanical Name Oncidium Sphacelatum

Botanical Family Orchidaceae

Note Middle Note

Aroma Sweet and soft floral aroma.

Extraction Method Solvent Extraction/Steam Distillation

Plant Part Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

Orchid Essential Oil is derived from Orchidaceae, found in tropical and Tundra regions. This essential oil is considered a delicate, exotic and graceful symbol of beauty. A symbol of beauty, refinement and love. Orchid oil is a centuries-old beauty secret, but it has come back in recent years. The oil boosts hydration, fades fine lines, and fights inflammation to ward off breakouts. Orchid oil is packed with magnesium, calcium, and zinc, three minerals essential to your skin’s health. These minerals boost hydration and skin tone, improve collagen health, and help skin cells regenerate. It can help regenerate the skin cells to provide a healthy and young feel. It also helps in removing harmful radicals from the skin. Orchid Oil is a remarkably nourishing and soothing oil that can help improve skin's elasticity and promote cell regeneration, making this an excellent choice for mature, ageing skin. It helps relieve skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Aromatherapy boosts mood and reduces stress.

Orris Essential Oil

Botanical Name Iris germanica var. florentina

Botanical Family Iridaceae

Note Base note

Aroma flowery, woody and heavy aroma

Extraction Method solvent extracted from the plant.

Plant Part Rhizomes

Shelf Life 3years+

It is mostly used in skincare and cosmetic applications due to its wide range of therapeutic benefits, including antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antidepressant properties. Orris essential oil is useful for skin, hair, headache, anxiety, sleep, and other purposes. The Oils can use as a fixative agent in potpourri and for aromatherapy to relieve cough and nausea and relax. Use Orris Essential Oil as a base note for making natural perfumes. It is a rare and precious essential oil because many kilograms of Orris roots are required to produce just a few ounces of orris oil.

Osmanthus Essential Oil

Botanical Name Osmanthus fragrant

Botanical Family Oleaceae

Note Middle to Base Note

Aroma Rich, sweet, fruity-floral aroma reminiscent of ripe peaches or apricot and faint leathery and green undertones

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Leaf & Flower

Shelf Life 3years+

Osmanthus Absolute serves as a sumptuous note in perfume blends or can be used as its perfume with just a single drop. Osmanthus Essential Oil has got anti-microbial, antiseptic, and relaxant properties. It provides you relief from anxiety and stress. The aroma of pure Osmanthus essential oil is delightful and floral that can Uplift Your Mood. Highly recommended in aromatherapy because of its natural properties. It is a natural pain killer and stress buster and can also be used in skincare products. Natural Osmanthus Essential Oil has an attractive floral aroma in making homemade candles, perfumes and soaps. Natural Perfumery.

Patchouli Essential Oil

Botanical Name Pogostemon cablin

Botanical Family Lamiaceae

Note Base Note Medium

Aroma Deep, earthy and woody.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Leaves

Shelf Life 3years+

Patchouli Essential Oil has remained one of the popular essential oils for over two centuries due to its musky and earthy aroma, rich, earthy and grounding. Patchouli is a base note that acts as a fixative and grounds a blend of perfumery and fragrancing applications. Its aroma is suitable for unisex and men's blends. It can act as an aphrodisiac. Patchouli comes from the word ‘Pacholi’ in Hindi, which means ‘used for scenting. The relaxing and soothing aroma of organic Patchouli Essential Oil will help you to balance your emotions. It is helpful for almost all skin types ranging from dry, cracked skin to helping to regulate oily skin and acne. Those with eczema, psoriasis and dandruff have said that patchouli is especially helpful. Emotionally, Patchouli Essential Oil is calming and grounding. Spiritually, it has been used alone or in blends during prayer and meditation.

Palmarosa Essential Oil

Botanical Name Cymbopogon martini

Botanical Family Poaceae

Note Middle Note and Strong

Aroma Fresh, floral and sweet.

Extraction Method Steam distillation

Plant Part Dried grass before Flowering

Shelf Life 3years+

When used in aromatherapy, Palma rosa oil relaxes the muscles and nerves and fights depression, fatigue, anxiety, anger, and nervousness while uplifting the mind. Some believe this scent can calm the spirit, increase focus, balance negative emotions such as jealousy, and increase security. Furthermore, it helps against sores, cracks in the skin, and Athlete’s foot. Because of its potential antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties, palmarosa oil has a long history in the beauty industry. Palmarosa Essential Oil can help balance dry, oily, and combination skin types. A little goes a long way in skin care applications.

Palo Santo Essential Oil

Botanical Name Bursera graveolens

Botanical Family Burseraceae

Note Middle Note and Medium strength

Aroma Woody, sweet, balsamic and slightly fruity.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Wood

Shelf Life 3years+

Also known as holy wood in Spanish. The tree has been used for centuries for its supposed cleansing properties. It is the harvested wood from palo santo trees found primarily in South America and some regions of Central America. They're part of the citrus family, considered a cousin to frankincense and myrrh. In the Shamanic history of South America, palo santo is said to remove negativity and obstacles and attract good fortune. Palo Santo Essential Oil is grounding and gives a sense of peacefulness and calm. It may be helpful for anxiety, emotional trauma and depression.

Peony Essential Oil

Botanical Name Paeonia Suffruiticosa

Botanical Family Paeoniaceae

Note Middle Note Medium Strength

Aroma Sweet and rosy to citrusy.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

The peony flower is considered a symbol of happiness, good fortune and prosperity in Chinese culture. In Europe, peony became popular in medieval times to be integrated as a part of Christian symbolism, representing wealth, feminine beauty, and healing power. Peony Essential oil is extracted from the peony flower. This essential oil is popularly used in aromatherapy to soothe the nerves. Its topical application is thought to promote skin health and calm muscle spasms. Peony extract is valued for Paeoniflorin, which has an antioxidant effect similar to Vitamin E, helping to neutralize free radicals, support the skin barrier, and nourish the skin.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Botanical Name Mentha piperita

Botanical Family Lamiaceae

Note Top Note

Aroma Refreshingly minty, fresh, sweet, and similar to Peppermint gum and mints

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Whole Plant

Shelf Life 3years+

Peppermint is one of the most widely used aromatic oils in edible and nonedible preparations. Peppermint's essential oil is also commonly used as a digestion aid. The scents of this plant can help you with headaches and tummy issues and promote good health overall. A power boost for a fatigued mind, making it more sharp and alert. Peppermint Oil for Fame and Reputation Sector Boost fame and reputation with peppermint for mental stimulation, attracting wealth and rewards, and improved communications.

Peru Balsam Essential Oil

Botanical Name Myroxylon balsamum / Myroxylon pereirae

Botanical Family Fabaceae

Note Base Note Medium Excellent Fixative

Aroma A mild but deep, rich aroma that is woody yet sweet with a vanilla and benzoin quality with a touch of cinnamon.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Resin Balsam

Shelf Life 3years+

Balsam of Peru essential oil comes from a resinous substance known as Balsam of Peru. This essential oil has antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and expectorant qualities, which means that it has functional use in many different types of health situations for people around the world. it can be used to clear the body of harmful toxins. It has antioxidant properties and can help boost the immune system and remove free radicals. It is a great stress buster as it controls your body's release of stress hormones. It is great for the skin and hair. It is also great for oral hygiene due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It also reduces inflammation and prevents bacterial infections from occurring. It is also known for clearing out the respiratory tract.

Petitgrain (Bitter Orange Leaf)Essential Oil

Botanical Name Citrus aurantium

Botanical Family Rutaceae

Note Top Note and Medium

Aroma Fresh and sweet, yet tart with subtle floral and woody characteristics.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Leaves and Twigs

Shelf Life 3years+

Petitgrain Oil is sometimes also known as Bitter Orange Leaf Oil. Petitgrain Oil is sometimes known as Poor Man's Neroli because it is much less expensive. Petitgrain essential oil has traditionally been used to support a healthy nervous system, particularly with stress and exhaustion. It may improve instances of excessive perspiration. And support healthy skin and hair; particularly good for oily skin. It is emotionally balancing and very uplifting. This oil can help to release denial, avoidance and self-judgment. The aroma of Petitgrain Essential Oil is a wonderful addition to blends specially formulated for men (women love it too). Petitgrain is considered an aphrodisiac.

Rose Essential Oil

Botanical Name Rosa damascene

Botanical Family Rosaceae

Note Middle Note and Strong

Aroma Rose Otto Essential Oil and Rose Absolute smell of floral and sweet with an intense, concentrated rose aroma.

Extraction Method

Plant Part Flowers and Petals

Shelf Life 3years+

The smell of the rose has been celebrated for centuries, and it is commonly associated with romance and special occasions rose’s essential oil Damascus Rose, considered the most fragrant rose species, rose oil is a popular skin tonic, providing various benefits for healthy, glowing skin. Rose oil is also well known as an aphrodisiac, with its enticing fragrance eliciting romantic feelings and increasing libido. Apart from assisting romance, the fragrance of rose oil can also treat depression and uplift your mood. There are several other rose oil benefits. Its antiseptic properties are useful in treating wounds, while its anti-inflammatory nature soothes joint pain. Rose oil is also good for your hair, strengthening roots and promoting growth. The reason rose oil is popular as a skin tonic is due to its astringent and antioxidant properties. Rose oil benefits include toning, tightening and hydrating skin, minimizing scars and reducing signs of ageing.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Botanical Name Salvia rosmarinus / Rosmarinus Officinalis

Botanical Family Lamiaceae

Note Middle Note medium

Aroma Fresh, herbaceous, sweet and slightly medicinal.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Leaves and Flowers/Buds

Shelf Life 3years+

Popularly known as a culinary herb, rosemary is from the mint family and has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. People have used it as a folk medicine throughout history; historians believe the Ancient Greeks were the first civilization to put the herb to use. Rosemary can improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Rosemary essential oil has a woodsy fragrance and is a mainstay in aromatherapy. However, rosemary oil has many uses, from treating ailments and pains to promoting hair growth, making it beneficial to have on hand in your home. The popular spice rosemary can also be an integral ingredient in many massage oils and body soaks.

Rosewood Essential Oil

Botanical Name Aniba rosaeodora

Botanical Family Lauraceae

Note Middle Note and Medium

Aroma Sweet, delightful, warm, slightly spicy, woody scent

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Wood

Shelf Life 3years+

Rosewood Essential Oil is sometimes referred to as Bois de Rose Essential Oil. It is a beautifully aromatic oil in holistic aromatherapy and natural perfumery. Rosewood essential oil is rich in linalool, a substance from the monoterpenols family that is highly sought after in the perfume industry for its characteristic odour. The precious oil is valuable, with anti-infectious properties for treating bacteria, viruses and fungi. Rosewood oil can blend into cosmetics to strengthen and regenerate the skin. It is, therefore, used to treat stretch marks, tired skin, wrinkles, and acne and reduce scars. This is also extraordinary for treating dandruff, eczema, and hair loss. Rosewood essential oil has been known to boost female libido and male by enhancing sexual desires and improving sexual performance. It can also be used for depression, stress, or fatigue, calms anxiety, and offers emotional stability and empowerment.

Sandalwood Essential Oil

Botanical Name Salvia officinalis

Botanical Family Santalaceae

Note Base Note and Medium

Aroma Soothing, grounding, pacifying, serene

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Wood

Shelf Life 3years+

The sandalwood essential is derived from the sandalwood tree that goes through an elaborate manufacturing process. The plant’s powerful properties have made it a medicinal remedy for aboriginal tribes. Sandalwood oil can heal and purify, keeping it highly relevant even in our modern age. Sandalwood essential oil can calm stress, boost skin and hair health and support focus for meditation practice. Research has also shown sandalwood can improve mood and attentiveness, increase the sense of calmness and greater mental clarity in your day-to-day life, and moments of peace and harmony would help improve our lives. It is frequently utilized in high-end as a natural alternative to perfumes and is a favourite among men and women.

Spearmint Essential Oil

Botanical Name Mentha spicata

Botanical Family Lamiaceae

Note Top/Middle Note and Medium

Aroma Minty, fresh, sweet, slightly fruity and herbaceous

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Leaves and Flowers/Buds

Shelf Life 3years+

Spearmint and Peppermint are perennial plants, but spearmint oil is from the spearmint plant (mentha spicata), and peppermint oil is from the herb (Mentha piperita). Spearmint is believed to be the oldest plant of the Mint family and has been used traditionally for its digestive benefits. Spearmint Essential Oil is multi-purpose and continues to soothe ailments such as skin problems, headaches, nausea, vomiting, respiratory issues, and cold symptoms. Spearmint can be used when studying and at times of intense mental concentration. It can be used for cleansing, protection, healing, and aura cleansing. It enhances mental clarity, concentration and focus.

Spruce Hemlock Essential Oil

Botanical Name Tsuga canadensis / Pinus Canadensis

Botanical Family Pinaceae

Note Top Note and Medium

Aroma Fresh, woody and earthy.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Needles and Twigs

Shelf Life 3years+

Hemlock essential oil is also called Tsuga essential oil. It has a fresh and crisp aroma that is great in room sprays, perfumes, and bath products. The hemlock tree creates a safe and wonderful essential oil with beneficial therapeutic properties. In aromatherapy, hemlock oil is used to promote calm and relaxation. It is also said to help relieve headaches and tension. This energetic oil is supportive of the respiratory and immune systems. It is also a grounding oil, like most other tree oils. It brings calm to the spirit. A fresh forest aroma is good for meditation and yoga as it assists with a spiritual connection. It also can boost the immune system to fight colds, flu, and infections.

Spruce, Black Essential Oil

Botanical Name Picea mariana

Botanical Family Pinaceae

Note Top note Midlledwith a pleasant aroma.

Aroma Fresh, crisp, exotic, woody and earthy.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Needles and Twigs

Shelf Life 3years+

As with most deep-rooting trees, spruce oil is grounding and balancing to the root chakra. Spruce Black essential oil has a pleasant aroma that helps induce a peaceful state of mind. The tree is indigenous to the United States and is widely cultivated in Canada. Needles and twigs of this tress hold exotic fragrances and are used as a perfume base. If you have a cold, flu, cough, allergies, stuffy sinuses, or feel congested, a keeper helps keep energy high and restore vitality. Spruce essential oil helps in boosting the immune system and fortifies cell growth. It helps in calming down the nervous system and chronic fatigue. Black Spruce Essential Oil is abundant in monoterpenes and esters, making it antiseptic and helpful for respiratory issues and muscular aches and pains.

St John Wort Essential Oil

Botanical Name Hypericum Perforatum

Botanical Family Hypericaceae,

Note Middle Note

Aroma A herbaceous, sweet, floral

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

Originating in Europe and successfully cultivated in many parts of the world, including Asia and America, St. John’s Wort oil can be used to soothe dry, itchy and eczema-prone skin while improving the skin’s elasticity and hydration. The oil has magical healing power; one of St. John’s Wort’s most common topical uses is aiding in the healing of minor burns, wounds and bruising by aiding in the skin’s regenerative process and stimulating the circulation of oxygenated blood to damaged cells. St John’s Wort flowers are rich in flavonoids, with the constituents hypericin and hyperforin believed to contribute to the plant's anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and antimicrobial properties. Help ease the pain of arthritis, muscle aches and joint pain and is believed to help decrease the appearance of scars. Helps fight depression and anxiety and stimulates serene sleep. Aromatherapy induces peace of mind and soul. It is also used in painful menopause to reduce menstrual pain and mood swings.

Sweet Basil Essential Oil

Botanical Name Ocimum basilicum L

Botanical Family Lamiaceae (mint)

Note Topp

Aroma Herbaceous, liquorice-like, sweet and spicy

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant part Leaves

Shelf Life 3 år+

Basil Essential Oil may not be a good oil for you, but it has some surprising natural health benefits you may be missing out on. Basil essential oil has been shown to relieve headaches, sore muscles, insect bites and more. Basil essential oil has been used for years in aromatherapy as a calming agent. It is known to help reduce stress, anxiety and depression. The smell of basil can also have a calming and relaxing effect. Basil leaves have a high content of linalool and methyl chavicol compounds. Basil essential oil smells herbaceous, liquorice-like, sweet and spicy due to linalool, fenchol, eugenol and methyl chavicol compounds. It is an energizing oil with expectorant, anti-inflammatory, digestive, antipyretic and soothing properties. Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine practitioners use basil leaves in many herbal formulations to treat several health conditions. The benefits of basil oil for skin, joints and mind are many.

Sweet Birch Essential Oil

Botanical Name Betula lenta

Botanical Name Betulaceae

Note Top

Aroma Camphor, sweet and similar to wintergreen

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Bark

Holdbarhet 5 år+

Aromaen til denne oljen er unik, og ikke alle kan være enige om hvordan den lukter. Noen sier den har en mynteaktig, furuaktig duft, mens andre beskriver den som jordaktig eller minner om vinteren. Det minner meg om vintergrønn eterisk olje. Bjørkeolje er en populær eterisk olje som har mange bruksområder. Noen av bruksområdene for bjørkeolje inkluderer dens evne til å forbedre hudhelsen, støtte respiratorisk helse og forbedre det generelle velvære. Bjørkeolje er også kjent for sin forfriskende duft. Den kan nytes aromatisk eller gjennom aktuell påføring, som gir styrke, selvarbeid, mot, åpenhet, støtte, vitalitet og ingen bekymring, frykt, svak vilje, fremmedgjøring eller ikke støttet.

Tea Tree Manuka Essential Oil

Botanical Name Leptospermum scoparium

Botanical Family Myrtaceae

Note Middle Note Medium

Aroma A sweet, honeyed, slightly spicy scent.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Leaves & twigs

Shelf Life 3years+

Manuka Essential Oil is also known as New Zealand Tea Tree Essential Oil.

Manuka honey has medicinal powers, a fresh, spicy scent and many skin advantages. Manuka oil fights seasonal ailments. The indigenous Maori people of New Zealand utilise this oil as a skin tonic to boost their health and well-being. Manuka Oil is more powerful at protecting against some bacteria than Tea Tree oil and has potent anti-viral and anti-microbial properties. It’s sensitive to the skin and can be used in room diffusers to protect against germs.

Thyme Essential Oil

Botanical Name Thymus Vulgaris/ Thymus zygis

Botanical Family Lamiaceae

Note Middle Middle Noted and medium

Aroma Fresh, herbaceous and slightly medicinal

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

Thyme oil is extremely beneficial for skin, hair and overall health. If you wish to include one oil in your beauty routine. Thyme essential oil and other products offer immense health benefits for improving skin and blood circulation and strengthening the immune system. Enriched with powerful antioxidants and healthful nutrients, it is extremely beneficial in improving heart and respiratory health, promoting digestion, enhancing skin health and uplifting immunity.

Tomar Timur Essential Oil

Botanical Name Zanthoxylum armatum

Botanical Family Rutaceae

Note Top Note and Medium Strong

Aroma Sweet, fruity, woody and spicy.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Berries and Leaves

Shelf Life 3years+

Tomar/TimursEssential Oil is also known as Zanthoxylum Essential Oil. This oil's benefits to health are numerous, from treating small wounds and burns to curing liver ailments and respiratory disorders. It has antioxidant and antibacterial characteristics, making it an ideal alternative for ointments on wounds and cuts.

Tuberose Essential Oil

Botanical Name Polianthes tuberosa

Botanical Family Agavaceae

Note Top Note Strong

Aroma Exotic, sweet and floral.

Extraction Method Solvent Extracted

Plant Part Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

Tuberose Absolute is an exquisite, highly fragrant floral oil most often used for perfumery and natural fragrancing work. It blends beautifully with other floral absolutes and with essential oils within the wood, citrus, spice, resinous and earthy essential oils. Tuberose can promote assertiveness, confidence, performance, self-esteem and self-image.

Tulip Flower Essential Oil

Botanical Name Tulipa

Botanical Family Liliaceae

Note Middle Note

Aroma Citrus-like, Honey-like Floral Scent

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

The most known meaning of tulips is perfect and deep love. Tulip flower oil is very helpful in skin-related diseases. This oil has agents that help release stress and depression, and it helps to keep the mind calm and relaxed. The plant's bark is utilized as a tonic and stimulant to fix joint pain, looseness of the bowels and other ailments. Other than that, it likewise fixes fever, hack, acid reflux and colds. Some other relevant utilization of Tulip is restoring bubbles, wounds and injuries and removing worms from the body.

Vanilla Essential Oil

Botanical Name Vanilla planifolia

Botanical Family Orchidaceae

Note Base Note and Strong

Aroma Rich and warm and possesses a sweet vanilla aroma.

Extraction Method Solvent Extraction of residues obtained from fermented

Plant Part Seeds/Beans

Shelf Life 3years+

Vanilla is believed to help alleviate the symptoms for women experiencing PMS symptoms, such as fatigue, cramps, and bloating, and it may even help stabilize mood and emotions. This is because the main factor which causes these symptoms is hormonal fluctuations, and vanilla can encourage the production of estrogen. Vanilla has antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. This is because antioxidants kill free radicals in the body, reverse oxidative stress, and prevent the oxidation of cells. Because of similar properties, vanilla may help your body fight off bacteria, help prevent infection, and even help individuals reduce wrinkles and age spots.

Vanilla's ability to promote relaxation of both the body and mind may also help those who experience high blood pressure.

Vetiver Essential Oil

Botanical Name Vetivera Zinanoides

Botanical Family Gramineae

Note Base Note and Bold

Aroma earthy, woody scent, herbaceous and spicy.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Root

Shelf Life 3years+

Vetiver Oil is also known as Tranquility oil in Sri Lanka and India. Vetiver oil is a lesser-known essential oil, but it has powerful properties. During the 12th century, Vetiver Oil was used to uplift mood, heal wounds and soothe the body & mind. It was used as a part of Ayurvedic treatment where the oil was used to maintain balance, healing many health disorders, loss of energy, skin problems and arthritis pain. In addition, this was used to treat headaches and cool down high body temperatures. Vetiver Oil soothes stress, nervousness, exhaustion and insomnia.

Vetiver oil is powerful and improves acne and the appearance of ageing.

Violet Leaf Essential Oil

Botanical Name Viola odorata

Botanical Family Violaceae

Note Middle Note Medium

Aroma Green, earthy and sweet floral scent

Extraction Method Solvent Extraction

Plant Part Leaves and Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

Violet essential oil is also becoming increasingly popular for its wide range of uses and benefits worldwide. Violet essential oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of the Viola odorata plant through steam distillation. The presence of therapeutic properties in this oil provides myriads of health benefits. The oil has a beautiful floral aroma, making it good enough to be used in aromatherapy. The calming fragrance of the violet essential oil soothes the brain nerves and induces sleep. The violet essential oil is an effective remedy to treat symptoms of common colds like chest congestion, blocked nose, and dry throat. The anti-inflammatory properties present in this oil cure pain in the joints and muscles. The oil is extremely beneficial in treating acne and eczema.

Wintergreen Essential Oil

Botanical Name Gaultheria fragrantissima / Gaultheria procumbens

Botanical Family Ericaceae

Note Top Note and Strong

Aroma Crisp, fresh, woody and sweet.Similar to a birch-like scent

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Leaves

Shelf Life 3years+

The oil wintergreen is a world-famous name, and it is extremely popular with people suffering from rheumatism, arthritis, and pain in their bones and joints for many reasons. Its uses include helping treat fatigue and lung, sinus and respiratory illnesses. This oil is naturally an antioxidant, energizing and immune-enhancing since it reduces inflammation and pain. Wintergreen is absorbed into the skin quickly and acts like a numbing agent, similar to cortisone. It also promotes blood circulation and cools irritation, which is comforting to swollen skin. Research has confirmed that these oils have cortisone-like effects that can quickly relieve pain. Birch and wintergreen were considered the best essential oil, known as "mother nature's aspirin", because it's such excellent natural pain remedies.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Botanical Name Cananga odorata var genuine

Botanical Family Annonaceae

Note Middle Top Note Medium Strong

Aroma Intense Floral Sweet with Woody Fruity Undertone

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Flowers

Shelf Life 3years+

Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata) is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia. The essential oil is derived from the plant's yellow flowers through steam distillation. It has a sweet floral fragrance widely used in many cosmetic products, including perfumes and flavouring agents. Ylang-ylang essential oil is used popularly in aromatherapy for its relaxing and mood-enhancing properties. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties. Traditionally, it has been used to treat acne-prone skin and improve hair quality. Its subtle exotic smell is used in skincare products, perfumes, candles, and food. This essential oil is used to relax the mind and body.

Zedoaria Essential Oil

Botanical Name Curcuma Zedoaria

Botanical Family Zingiberaceae

Note Base - Middle Note

Aroma An intense, spicy, and woody & camphor-like scent.

Extraction Method Steam Distillation

Plant Part Roots

Shelf Life 3years+

Zedoary Essential Oil is one of the most widely used ingredients in the perfumery and flavour industry. This oil has long been a part of folk medicine. It is a rhizome ( like its cousin Turmeric) in wet forest regions in the tropics. The oil benefits the digestive system and is a gastrointestinal stimulant in flatulent colic. It also prevents stress ulceration. It can also use in healing different kinds of wounds and cuts on the body. It can be used as an antioxidant and is commonly used to help with sexual problems experienced by both sexes. It also helps in keeping the body temperature warm during a fever. It is used as a condiment to flavour liqueurs and bitters, perfumery, and medicinally as a carminative and stimulant. It is good for blood circulation and improves menstrual flow.

References From The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood and The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless

For further knowledge at Aromaweb, Healthbenefitstimes, Essentiloilbenefits, and Healthline, Loving Essential Oils.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

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