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Botanical Name: Origanum Majorana 


Aromatic Description: Marjoram Sweet Essential Oil has a warm and spicy aroma with a hint of nutmeg. Also known as “wintersweet” or “joy of the mountains, ” To the Greeks and Romans as a symbol of happiness. Marjoram Essential Oil is a versatile oil derived from the leaves and stems of the marjoram plant (Origanum marjorana). It is known for its warm, herbal, and slightly sweet aroma with herbaceous undertones. It is often described as comforting and soothing. Marjoram Essential Oil is known to help relieve muscle pain, cramps, and spasms and can be used as a natural remedy for headaches and migraines. It may help improve the symptoms of respiratory conditions, such as asthma and bronchitis. It can be a natural remedy for digestive issues like indigestion and bloating. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. It may help improve the symptoms of menstrual cramps and menopause-related symptoms. It helps to relax in sleeping and is commonly used in meditation to relax and focus the mind. Combine with lavender and chamomile, an excellent oil to drop on your pillow at night. 


Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Flowers and Leaves   

Marjoram Essential Oil

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This powerful essential oil can be diluted with carrier oils and used as a topical application or a relaxing Ayurvedic massage.  Add few drops of oil to potpourris, vaporizers, candles, or diffusers for combating germs in the air and protecting the environment naturally. It can also be added to your bathtub for an aromatic, healing, stimulating, and energizing bath.

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