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Botanical Name: Paeonia suffruticosa is a shrub-growing type of peony native to China.


Aromatic Description: Peony is a flowering plant in the genus Paeonia and is the only genus in the family of Paeoniaceae. Due to its beauty and vibrant colours, the peony flower symbolizes happiness, good fortune, and prosperity in Chinese culture. In Europe, during medieval times, Peony became popular enough to be integrated into Christian symbolism, representing wealth, feminine beauty, and healing power. Peony essential oil is a sweet and floral aroma extracted from the peony flower's petals. It is considered one of the most precious and rare essential oils, as peonies only bloom briefly each year, and their delicate petals are difficult to extract oil from. Peony essential oil is known for its soothing effects on the body and mind, making it an excellent choice for use in aromatherapy. Peony essential oil's sweet and floral aroma promotes joy, happiness, and peace and can help relieve stress and anxiety. 

In addition to its emotional benefits, peony essential oil is believed to have several physical benefits. For example, it is said to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, making it useful for relieving muscle pain and stiffness. It is also thought to have anti-spasmodic properties, which can help to reduce cramping and muscle spasms. Peony essential oil is also believed to have antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it useful for treating skin conditions such as acne and fungal infections. It is also thought to have skin-nourishing benefits, as it is rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that help keep the skin healthy and youthful-looking. Peony essential oil is typically used in aromatherapy by adding a few drops to a diffuser or mixing it with a carrier oil and massaging it into the skin. When used in aromatherapy, the sweet and floral aroma of peony essential oil can help to create a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere, making it ideal for use in the home or workplace.  Peony essential oil is a rare and precious oil known for its sweet and floral aroma and numerous emotional and physical benefits. Whether used in aromatherapy or added to skincare products, peony essential oil is a versatile oil that will bring a touch of calm and peace to your life. 


Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation. 

Peony Essential Oil

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This powerful essential oil can be diluted with carrier oils and used as a topical application or a relaxing Ayurvedic massage.  Add few drops of oil to potpourris, vaporizers, candles, or diffusers for combating germs in the air and protecting the environment naturally. It can also be added to your bathtub for an aromatic, healing, stimulating, and energizing bath.

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