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Botanical Name: Vetiveria zizanoides Plant Part: Root


Aromatic Description: Vetiver Essential Oil, also known as khus oil, is derived from the roots of the Vetiveria zizanioides plant. Vetiver is a tall, tufted, scented grass with straight stems, long, thin leaves and a complex root system. This oil has a rich, earthy, grounding aroma and is known for its various therapeutic properties. Vetiver Essential Oil has a deep, warm, earthy, and woody aroma with sweet, musky and slightly smoky undertones, herbaceous and spicy. Vetiver Essential Oil is known for its calming and grounding effects, making it useful for reducing stress, anxiety and depression. Vetiver oil is psychologically grounding, calming and stabilizing and helps cope with stress and recovery from emotional trauma and shock. It can centre and ground, restore one's connection with their roots, calm and restore. Vetiver is the best oil for those in trauma who may be having severe anxiety and flashbacks. It also promotes the balance in the central nervous system. Vetiver Essential Oil is known to relax the mind and body, making it useful for improving sleep and reducing insomnia. Vetiver Essential Oil is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe dry, irritated and inflamed skin and improve skin texture and appearance.

Vetiver Essential Oil has analgesic properties that can help reduce pain and discomfort associated with headaches, menstrual cramps, and arthritis. Vetiver Essential Oil has antiseptic properties that can help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and other microorganisms, making it useful for wound healing and skin care.

Spiritually, this oil is incredibly grounding and calming; it is a good choice for meditation and prayer. Vetiver Essential Oil is an essential oil for Chakra work that I recommend for balancing the Root Chakra.


Extraction Method: Solvent Extraction 

Vetiver Essential Oil

Only 5 left in stock

This powerful essential oil can be diluted with carrier oils and used as a topical application or a relaxing Ayurvedic massage.  Add few drops of oil to potpourris, vaporizers, candles, or diffusers for combating germs in the air and protecting the environment naturally. It can also be added to your bathtub for an aromatic, healing, stimulating, and energizing bath.

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